of curiosities

Maria Palmeiro

Technical reserve, 14/02/2022.

Paintings and performative acts by Maria Palmeiro.

Maria Palmeiro, 2020.

“Kite”, wrapping paper, string, sequins, 20 x 20 x 100 cm.

Below, excerpt from “Performative Atelier: make, hide and move” (2018), text by Rio de Janeiro artist MARIA PALMEIRO:

“The value of work, like any value defined by society, is not absolute. Aesthetic value, for example: the way a painting is evaluated may differ in terms of quality and criteria. Starting with my studio neighbor – a Russian who trained for eight years at the Saint Petersburg School of Arts and who was skilled in figurative painting. From time to time Stanislav would ask me (first discouraged, then out of pure hostility): – What are you doing? For him, the value of painting was in technique and mastery, nothing that my paintings required or reflected, little by little I became aware of what I was doing in the studio, I was attentive to my body in the studio and the activities carried out there, the improvisations . ..” (Page .19).

“Kipa”, formalized by MARIA PALMEIRO, presents a painting that will fly through the air…

Maria Palmeiro

Filter Artists – Radio – EN